In Conversation with... Susan Heaton-Wright
Thursday 11 February at 7.30pm (GMT)

You are all welcome to join us on Thursday 11 February from 7.30 to 8.30pm for our fourth instalment of 'In conversation with'. A current student will be interviewing alumna, Susan Heaton-Wright about her career.
Susan Heaton-Wright is a global Virtual impact, communications and speaking trainer for corporate clients. She empowers talented people to create memorable and engaging business conversations. She is the creator of the Superstar Communicator™ methodology: an international speaker; the MD of award winning music company, Viva Live Music, podcaster and a former prize winning international opera singer.
Susan loved being at Hild Bede: rowing for the college before being promoted to the university team. She spent far too much time bopping at Klute. After leaving Durham, Susan planned to travel the world whilst teaching. Unfortunately this was cut short due to illness. But my career journey illustrates that when one door closes, you have to look for the next door to open!
She delivers virtual seminars, workshops and individual training for many companies including Astra Zeneca, Deloitte, RBS,  Shell, Microsoft, AAP, Invesco,  AXA, the NHS and Quintiles. In March 2020 her entire business disappeared: she was booked to deliver training, coaching and speaking in UK and Europe. However she totally recreated her business virtually by embracing tech. Since then she has delivered over 120 virtual workshops to attendees from over 80 countries – with a significant number of new clients. Susan is regularly interviewed on BBC Radio Five Live; BBC2, local radios and international podcasts. In 2020, she was named as an #ialso 100 top inspirational female entrepreneur in UK.
Susan is a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, The Royal Society of Arts and the Incorporated Society of Musicians. Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association pending! She leads a project of musicians in Greece annually, to deliver music workshops to refugees in Athens as part of the ‘Love without Borders’ charity.
The Zoom link will be provided 24hrs in advance and we hope to see you there!
Event Selection
You are all very welcome to join us on Thursday 11 February from 7:30 to 8:30pm for our fourth installment of 'in conversation with'. A current student will be interviewing Susan Heaton-Wright about her career in communication.
11 February 2021 at 19:30

College of St Hild & St Bede

+44 (0) 191 334 8300