Over the course of the past few years, we have been able to achieve a number of key objectives through the support of our alumni, including PhD studentships, undergraduate research internships in Palaeontology, conference attendance support and improvements to facilities for our students.  In addition, we have assisted students through financial hardship, by a series of small grants and bursaries.  We are committed to improving participation and enhancing the student experience, which has been made possible mainly through the support of our alumni.

At Van Mildert College, we are very fortunate to have the Student Support Fund, which is sponsored by alumni and friends of the College.  The Student Support Fund is a discretionary fund which provides for students in immediate or emergency financial need with sums of up to £100, which can make a real difference.  In addition, the fund is used to support students who wish to pursue personal development opportunities, such as travel abroad, academic visits or study tours.

If you would like to support the Van Mildert College
Student Support Fund, please visit the online donation page.

Thank you for your support of this important initiative.


Van Mildert College
Durham University
Mill Hill Lane

+44 (0)191 334 7100